Logbook #7: Atomic Roadtrip

Design Stuff

Dear Logbook,

I've cooked up a three-course meal of game design delights for you dear reader. That's right, just for you. 

Anyone whose read any of my past Logbooks would know that I love my ICRPG (Index Card RPG). Funnily enough I use sticky notes instead of notecards when DMing but that irrelevant. Atomic Road Trip will use this game as a base, using its clever mechanics as a narrative jumping point to tell some epic apocalypse adventures. This game doesn't take itself too seriously, being a reflection of my philosophy on life I would expect no less. Its meant to tell stories about you and your friends simulating a cross country roadtrip, fumbling at each step. This entire game is meant to encompass the saying, 'it's not about the end goal, it's about the journey'. I honestly don't remember if that's how the saying goes, but like I'm not going to google it. Another great saying is 'it's about the friends we made along the way.' I know, some sleek design phrases to be sure.

I've got two cool post-apocalyptic locals that I'd love to pitch to my wonderful audience. This is purely for the purposes of community brainstorm, so I'd really appreciate if my first comment could be a cool idea for one of these two wasteland places, or even a new one. I'm sure my readers are a bunch a cool, creative folks, so if you've got an idea, post it below! 

Meteor Falls is a phenomenon in the wasteland, the place is plagued with meteor strikes. You can't walk two feet without either tripping on a space rock or being hit on the side of the head with one. Folks say during a war that brought on the apocalypse a device misfired, and is pulling in every space rock between here and mars ever since. It takes a brave soul to make it here in these blasted plains, but you'll find every one of them at Moon Town. The only sign of survivors is the town under that huge piece of rock. Most believe it to be a chunk of the moon, but most know the moon is too far gone to have a piece that big chipped off.  Moon Town is home to meteor salvage teams and peaceful outlaws trying to live out their days. None of the major factions go near the place.

Metro is the last city on earth. They call themselves 'humanity's home!' but it's mostly just, 'humanity's smuggling den!'. The place is crawling with AWPD (Atomic Wasteland Police Department) Robos too. Those machine men run the place according to outdated laws from the old world. No one knows where they all come from, millions of those Robos, patrol the wasteland, but their base is in Metro.  The old ones whose programming have degraded can be great friends or even have quirky personality traits (just like normal Robos), but the ones at Metro are the newest. They're completely unfaltering in their duties. What're they protecting? You may ask. Well, it's Big Business. Most folks think they're just a legend, but between me and you, they're real. A whole club of pure humans who like to pretend the apocalypse never happened. They live in the heart of Metro, atop the last skyscrapers. 

I kinda picked two opposite places to try and flesh out first. I really like Meteor Falls, I think it could be fun trying to avoid the falling space rocks while driving through to try and save time. Lots of cool narrative potential for environmental hazards. Maybe something else hitched a ride on one of the asteroids? An old world bio weapon or maybe a dormant warhead? Gets me hyped even thinking about how cool a session in meteor falls would be. Metro is cool, but I'm less excited about. It's kind of a cool spin on the arbitrary 'big city' in RPG games. I think the likpolive force vs smuggler underworld gives a cool like Gotham vibe. Maybe there's like a batman-like character whose like a cool mutant crime fighter. That would be sick. I'm probably going to write that down after this.  

I've also got some bits about character classes/creation on the design pages I scanned in. Pretty much you pick a race and a class. Pretty standard RPG stuff, literally what ICRPG does. The three races are Human, Mutant, and Robo (sentient robot). Figured for a 'little' game like this three would do.

Ok. I've talked for far too long. This is the biggest post by far, so like if you have a suggestion or anything I'd be overjoyed to hear it. See you guys later. Bye! (for now...)

P.S. I've listed this one on its own, like its not attached as a devlog to Battle Dice. So we'll have to see if it reaches as many people.

P.P.S I've switched it back to be with Battle Dice


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