Logbook #4: Hat Trick

Dear Logbook,

Greeting and salutations old friends. It's been around a week since the last post, and I've been hard at work. Ran another Index Card RPG session with the boys, that went well. More important (and more relevant to this itch account) is the new game I'm working on. I'm calling it Hat Trick right now, and it's about fast paced hockey matches. 

I've semi-recently become a hockey fan (go Oilers!) and have found inspiration watching the games themselves. I'm thinking each player secretly picked a card (1-10) and then the offense player has to roll a die onto the chosen card of the defender. If the total of the numerical values of the card and die beat the defensive card, the offensive scores. First to three wins (Hat Trick is when a player scores three goals in a game). Also thinking about both players rolling dice simultaneously, with the defender trying to knock the offensive die off the card. I think that could be more fun and more accurately portray a hockey match. 

I really enjoy dexterity mechanics (Battle Dice) and how accessible and fun they are. Funnily enough, my first game Kingdom Craft, which I thought was a complex mess of a game, is doing better than Battle Dice. Personally, I like Battle Dice more, difference in the two being that you need friends to play Battle Dice, which is probably why Kingdom Craft is doing better. That and the name just sounds good.

Going to be traveling a lot soon, I'm hoping to have free time in transit, but we'll see. My goal is to get a prototype done by the end of spring break. I'm putting that on the internet so I'm motivated to get it done.

Ok, thanks for reading muchacho. Peace.




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