Logbook #3: Incineration

Dear Logbook,

Hey pal, been a week or so (I lose track of time) and I'm back for round two-put me in coach! Anywho, I dug up the old battle dice page I did, figured I'd post it here. Out of all the spaces on the world wide web there's actually a chance someone will care here. A little insight into my design process I suppose. Lots of arrows, love my arrows (call me cupid). I've got plenty of ideas I want to get out into a 1-2 page format: Mineral Space Extraction (kinda lame name I know), clash of champions, battle dice (of course), and some misc. TTRPG stuff. Been playing Index Card RPG with some buddies recently, it's pretty legit. Only done Warp Shells, the sci-fi setting, and it's pretty neat. 

I know, you may be asking yourself, "Mason, why did you name this post Incinerator?" Well curious person who I don't know, It's a reference to a mechanic in battle dice. One of the dice you can throw onto the table is a d8 called the Incinerator. It destroys all other dice that touch it. But by far the coolest thing is its name. Besides the soldier dice, d6, we also have the hat (AKA, le spy!). The hat is a d4 that you can place on another die (like a hat) to negate its value by the value you rolled. Pretty sure you can increase your die's values if you put it on them as well, but don't quote me on that. I had the problem that both players would save the hat till the end, which is boring. So I'm thinking it'll decrease the value of the first die it touches when thrown, you place it atop the die to denote this numerical change. Comment 'the cake is a lie' if you got this far. A little brainstorm action! I'm so proud of us. 




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