Logbook #15: Fishin'

Dear Logbook,

I've been fishing up a one-page RPG for the One Page RPG Jam by Unknown Dungeon, and I've been reeling in quite the catch. 

Fishin' (Name is WIP, I'm open for suggestions) is an RPG about recounting old fishing stories with old friends to a group of gullible bar patrons. It's a DM-less game where players take turns with the reins to the story, upping the stakes everytime the DM changes. I'm also working on a dice stacking system and an asset/item system. You'll be able to produce items throughout the game depending on how many asset points you have, kinda like Blades in the Dark, you don't have to choose your items before the adventure. Keep in mind this RPG has to fit on one page, at least all the rules must fit on the page; I plan to make a couple supplements. 

In other news... I did art! Like real art. I'm so proud of myself! They're not the best pieces ever, but I'm trying out some new paint markers that won't bleed through my notebook pages (in an effort to maximise all the space in my notebooks).  I really liked the color pallets of these two, especially the lady. The downside to paint markers is that you lose some detail in the face, with such thick lines it's a battle to keep everything nice and crisp.

Ok, enjoy these wonderful fishing folks. Smell you later.



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