Logbook #14: SWAT, Capitalism, and Art

Dear Logbook, 

I've got some exciting stuff to share with you, my lovely reader~ Your going to be spoiled with insights into some random guy's thoughts (lucky). 

After several projects didn't make it past the idea stage (excluding Graves (I've stopped working on Graves)), I remembered the wonderful world of computer games. Now I'm an avid PC gamer, some of my all time favorite games are (in no particular order): Titanfall 2, Halo Reach, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Warframe, Minecraft, and Civ: Beyond Earth (fight me, it's a great game). On browsing my Steam account for new and/or old games to play, I remembered I owned RPG Maker MV. So I booted it up and re-learnt some of the basics. Using those newfound-old skills, I started work on a little RPG I'm calling: Capitalism. Now Capitalism is an RPG about getting the most money through any means necessary: gambling, prize fighting, and the stock market. It is quite literally a troll game. And I love it. So far I've got you fighting Vin Diesel, The Rock, Matt from Wii Sports (Resort is top-tier), and the Spider from Minecraft. I plan to add Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and whatever else I can cram into the game. It's been wild to make, but I took a break to work on physical games again.

I got a recent itch to make a Wargame, like 40k or Quar. I've only ever played X-Wing, but I really enjoyed my time with it and thought it would be fun to design my own. Even thinking about all the possibilities is making my heart flutter. All the different factions, gimmicks, and lore you could have is simply magnifé. But... realizing the scale and my knack of not finishing big projects, I switched gears to more of a Kill Team approach: highly trained squads of operatives. Smaller scale battles with less guys, perfect. But something wasn't clicking for me, I just wasn't there yet with the concept as a whole. Then it struck me: have it set indoors, SWAT style. So akin to Rainbow Seige 6 or a personal favorite of mine Tactical Breach Wizards (Demos on steam, go play it! It's awesome!) you would enter a building and duke it out with another player over an objective or just team deathmatch. The final iteration was that I like solo games, SoooOooo I made it a solo game. It's just a puzzle waiting to be solved under the set dressing of saving a hostage from a group of radical terrorists. It fits really well, and I'm really excited to flesh out some ideas I've got for interesting game mechanics. I've settled on the name Silenced for the game, I think it accurately reflects the ideals of the SWAT-like team I've envisioned. A duo of battle worn soldiers saving the lives of people they'll never meet. You feel me? 

I also made this cover art on Canva to try and spark some creativity. I want to make my own digital art, but at the place I'm personally in right now, it's not super practical. Enjoy!

P.S. Thanks for reading this far. Not a lot of people will ever see this. Good job! *Digital High Five*

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