Logbook #17: The Dead Wakes...
Dear Logbook,
Hey man, been a while. College has been taxing.
But enough of that, onto game design! I prototyped a new game recently, Zombie House. 2-4 players gather around the table to play cards that move a horde of zombies towards one of four different houses (Green, Red, Yellow, Blue). Each player also has a secret card that has the colors of two of the houses. Your goal is to get as many zombies into the house on your card before the supply runs out (of zombies).
Simple premise, pretty good game, needs some work. Thought about creating different colors of zombies and adding a penalty and a bonus on the secret color card, but that would only serve to complicate things further. Keep it simple stupid. Thats what they say, I've heard real people say that. Who? I don't remember, but I swear it happened.
Some tweaks I'm going to try on my next play-test are going to be something like:
- Limit 1 Zombie per space
- No fence cards (there's a card that lets you play a fence to block zombies, it isn't very good)
- Scaled cards played per player count (4 cards played for 4 players, 6 cards played for 3 players, and 8 cards played for 2 players)
Its worth noting that the whole reason I'm working on this game is I attended a local game designer meetup at my local game cafe. The game design group is a very nice change. It also serves as a form of motivation to continue working on my projects and not just bury them (I've buried so many projects...).
That's about it. Excited to rapid prototype this bad-boy over thanksgiving break and get something more concrete on the table.
Thanks for reading, means more to me than it does to you. Probably, I'm just assuming your not some crazed super fangirl.
Get TallTales: On The High Seas
TallTales: On The High Seas
Man vs Fish (or Sea Monster)
Status | Released |
Category | Physical game |
Author | Mason Lindburg |
Tags | Fishing, Tabletop role-playing game |
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