Logbook #14.5 ~Gaslands Interlude~

Dear Logbook,

GAsLanDs! (Ka-chow) Recently I rediscovered a rusty old book called Gaslands: Post-Apocalyptic Vehicular CombatIt's a little wargame-esk, hot-wheel cars on a map/table, rulers to move, lots of dice to shoot each other. All the bells on whistles. I own the first version, there is a second version that has a cooler front cover; I may have to invest if I find myself really enjoying my time with Gaslands. 

Reading through the book and looking at all the options for weapons and equipment, I decided to build a trio of battle worth racers to brave the death-sport. Through spray paint, bits and bobs, and determination, I present: The Night Knights! (Name is WIP)

The Justice Jeep

The Justice Jeep

This robust fighting machine is the most equipped to deal heavy damage, boasting a Heavy Machine Gun and a knight with a trusty rifle keeping an eye on the 360 side of things. A simple, yet effective fighting machine. Fun fact: the Justice Jeep's driver and gunner are a pair of brothers: Juan and John Jonas. 

This hotwheel had plenty of cool details in its paint job with the muddy wheels. I really wanted to keep that and did my best to paint around it. I used white tape to highlight some of the important parts of the weaponry; I'm not certain how I feel about it. I think it looks good?


The White Lightning

The White Lightning

This state of the art rally car is geared up for warfare! The White Lightning is shocking its oppostition with a signature weapon from the team's sponsor: Mishkin. The Arc Lightning Projector can decimate multiple cars in close proximity and is the vehicles main weapon. The Car is also filled to the brim with Molotov Cocktails in case the main weapon runs out of juice! 

This car's design was altered slightly over the course of putting it together. Originally two AAA batteries would flank it, being glued to the doors, but that didn't stick and ended up taking off most of the paint and distorting the lighting decal I can made for the sides. The battery ended up on the back, which I think works really well.


The Red Blur

The Red Blur

This sleek vehicle is ready to rumble! Armed to the teeth with tactical and offensive weapons alike! It's got Smoke, Mines, Grenades (RPG), and a Rifleman, all ready to take out those other pesky racers. This car is a great support piece to the team: we're glad to call the Red Blur a part of out Knight family!

I love the use of people in this car. If I would've used some forethought I wouldn't have chopped off the one guy's foot, but I didn't think it would be showing. You live and learn. 


For my first Gaslands cars I'm really proud of these! Hopefully you guys have gotten some inspiration from this and go out into your own projects with a fresh new idea! Make something cool. Peace out.


P.S. Try out one of my games: Riskie! It's fun I swear!


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