Logbook #2: Making Kingdom Craft Player Friendly

Dear Logbook,

I always knew Kingdom Craft wasn't super player-friendly, afterall it started out as a puzzle I could quickly whip up and solve when I got bored during school. It totally still is that, but now others can solve the puzzles too. The only issue is that they may not be able to figure out how to solve the puzzles, or even how to make them. So I came up with an actual play guide detailing a round. Hopefully this helps.

I'd also like to update the game, a 2.0 of sorts. I'd like to add floodplains and give mountains more of a use. I think instead of just destroying farms and deserts, rivers should create a new type of tile: floodplain. In the new update farms would lose their bonuses for river and perhaps even farm adjacency. Yes, my dedicadicted player base, I'm nerfing farming. I know, wild isn't it? But I think it needs to change in some way.

Ok cool. Bye.


KingdomCraft_Actual_Play.pdf 52 kB
Feb 11, 2024

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